Sunday, 21 April 2013

I heard the Mass was beautiful....

Our Thursday practice was in the crying room at St Margaret’s, although we went into the back of the church to hear the reverberations at the end.
Alan had produced booklets for the Saturday Mass, some for us and several for the congregation.

Our practice began with Alan introducing the Introit hymn 'Salve sancta Parens'. A new prayer for us all. But we cracked-on.

 There are simple English language  Introits for each Mass. I wonder if Parishes might sing these Introits each day as implied in the Missal and Canon Law, rather than substituting an 'opening hymn'. But that's never going to happen because we are all so happy to sing together.

Father Joe recites the Introit at dailiy Mass. Perhaps we the people could offer to sing it instead?
Perhaps we could propose chanting the Introit after or before the 'opening hymn' on Sundays?

There are several English settings for the Introits such as these:

We thought that we were ready for the Mass of the Blessed Virgin 'In Sabbato' at Cambuskenneth on Saturday. Apart from the Alleluias. In the end we gave up on these.

Our team arrived early and Jack noted that I had brought 'our strip'.

We didn't look too bad (although those attending will know a small secret about one of us and our cassocks).
The schola had to stand in the doorway  for enough light to see our square dots and Latin words.
George and I were outside the doorway.
We two couldn't hear the full 'chant-effect' but apparently it was very moving.
Our Catechist Leader in St Margaret's rushed by this morning and said  'I heard the Mass was beautiful'.

Our next Thursday rehearsals will be the Vespers settings in anticipation of praying in the Holy Rude and the Chapel Royal..
I will not be there, rather I will be in Sicily on hols.

Next steps, prep for Vespers and agree a date with Fr Joe to sing Kyrie and another Mass prayer at our regular 11.00 Sunday Mass.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

English versions

Only four of us made it on Thursday.
We practiced Missa cum Jubilo in anticipation of the Mass at Cambuskenneth.

Hopefully, this announcement gets into the bulletin
A Latin Mass dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus, will be held at the Abbey on Saturday 20th April at 11.00am. Our Gregorian chant group will help to lead the prayers using the setting Missa cum Jubilo.
Mass will be said in the tower of the Abbey, which was once known as the Abbey of St Mary of Cambuskenneth.

Alan has offered to make an arrangement of the Agnus Dei in English to the music of Missa de Angelis.
We would like to pray the Kyrie in Greek and the Lamb of God to this English setting at the regular Sunday Mass in St Margaret's. I will speak to Fr Joe about this
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Practice and Latin Mass

At the Thursday practice, our pre-chat featured some talk about Pope Francis washing the feet of two women and two Muslims at the juvenile prison. My concern is that the Canon Law is specific that only men 'vir' should be chosen. While the Pope is the supreme legislator, I'd have preferred that he change the law first, rather than disobeying it. He could change the law to 'people' or 'altar-servers' or even 'Brownies' and I'd be happier than having him just ignoring the law that obedient priests have complied with for decades. There is apparently a saying that highlights the SJ's lack of interest in liturgical accuracy:
'as lost as a Jesuit in Holy Week'.

So, perhaps, our Jesuit Pope is just carrying on a tradition of his Society.
But there's no denying that the image is a powerful one:
God bless our Pope

Six of us met in the Crying Room. After a short prayer, we ran through Missa De Angelis. We spent more time on the Gloria, which we hadn't sung publicly. We went over several topics: excelsis should sound like eggshells-is; we should emphasise the middle sound of the phrases (Ado-RAH-mus) and drop the volume at the end of each phrase. Other pronunciation tips: propter manyam; Domine Dehyyus; sushipay; noh-hstram.
This version sounds quite good, I think:

In the Sanctus, remember to hold the note just before the highest, as in the third Sanctus. And to run into Dominus.

We went through Missa Cum Jubilo. The main point was to extend the 'eyh' sounds as in Dominus Deyhus.

The idea of sung Vespers in the Chapel Royal looks good. I will contact Holy Rude to say that we can't make their proposed date in May and get some options.

Fr Kenneth was happy with the idea of a Scratch-chant day in St Mary's, although we couldn't have the same day as a wedding. I will try to confirm a date for St Mary's, either September 28th or October 5th.

Some of us continued in symposium and got gloomy about the fate of the North Korean people. We also learned about war-crimes from a translators point of view.

At the Latin Mass, we were somewhat short-handed but made a creditable effort. The accoustics in Holy Spirit work well. Missa De Angelis was well received and several people joined in with Regina Caeli.