Sunday, 9 December 2012

James MacMillan's Tu es Petrus

I have a soft spot for the Maryvale Institute.
Recently they helped to found The Blessed John Henry Newman Institute for Liturgical Music.
The new Institute links Maryvale with the Fathers of the Birmingham Oratory and is under the joint patronage of the Archbishop of Birmingham, Bernard Longley, and James MacMillan, the UK's best Catholic Composer.

"The purpose of the Institute is to provide a general formation in liturgical music, so that the Sunday liturgy in parishes may benefit from a doctrinal, liturgical and musical formation".
The aim is to promote chant in regular parish worship, in adherence to the instructions of Vatican II: The Council Fathers specified Gregorian Chant as "proper to the Roman liturgy”, stating that it "should therefore have first place in the liturgical actions.” (SC116)

MacMillan's settings for the Papal visit had a wonderful highlight - Tu es Petrus.
A modern interpretation of traditional chant.
Listen to it and feel the hairs on back of your neck...
Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam
You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church

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