Sunday, 3 February 2013

A Great Start. But More Speed in the Creed.

Seven of us turned up at the Holy Spirit for the 4.00pm practice but there was no Alan.
I was frantically practicing the two lads in how-to-serve, so that I could sing with the Schola.

The men were sitting waiting for our tutor while all of this was going on. At one stage, I turned to them and said the start of Suscipiat Dominus sacrificium de manibus tuis, ad laudem et gloriam nominis sui, 
There was a chorus of ad utilitatem quoque nostram, totiusque Ecclesiae suae sanctae from those who used to be Altar Boys. This is the prayer still said by the people as 'May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church'.

After a good run-through, I left the lads in the Sacristy to study 'the red parts', Rubrics didn't seem like the word to use to calm pre-match nerves. And went to join the Schola for the practice led by Fred (who had made the effort to come and support us). I said 'you're it, because there's no-one else to be 'it'. He took it in good heart.

I was very impressed by the sound we made and it felt great to be singing with the other men. There was a reverberation in my chest as we prayed the Kyrie and the Creed. We were singing with one voice, as the angels are supposed to - una voce dicentes.

Alan arrived full of apologies for his lateness, he had been obliged to cook a meal before leaving for Stirling. However he was looking very dapper and choir-masterish in his black roll-neck sweater and slacks. Not as dapper as this, however:
Click to Enlarge
There was a general feeling from the other members that I should help the younger blokes on the Altar, rather than continuing to sing and leaving them to their own devices. I chose to take this as support for the tyro Altar servers, rather than a desire to get my voice out of the way.
The two servers took the roles of 'Book' and 'Bell', while I planned to kneel to the side and encourage.
Father heard some confessions so the Mass started a little later than planned. Luke was very dignified, taking the Biretta to the credence table and we began the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar. The Schola started the Kyrie and it sounded wonderful, the congregation joining in as appropriate, while we continued with our responses and the Confiteor. The Creed, Sanctus and Agnus Dei followed.

Holy Spirit set-up for Latin Mass

There were a couple of minor errors in the serving but most people wouldn't notice so I'm hopeful that I can join the Schola next month.

At the end of Mass several regulars complimented the group on the music, one spoke to me enthusiastically and then came back in from her car to congratulate us again.
Father E was quite happy but felt that the Credo was too slow.
I asked 'More speed in the Creed then Father?' He replied, 'Yes, more speed in the Creed'.

We plan to meet next Thursday in St Margaret's church at 7.30pm. Celebratory cocktails afterwards for those who fancy a beer.

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