Saturday, 8 June 2013

Mass, Vespers, what?

The Ladies Group were in the Hall, hosting an event for seventy female guests from other parishes. They had tables set out and meals ready to go. Dancing was planned.....

We met in the crying room in the church. George was back with us after his surgery and ready to punch people with his newly strengthened fist. Jack stuck up for the NHS.

Alan wanted us to practice a new Mass setting AND the Vespers for Edinburgh.
I thought that he was being a bit optimistic.

The new Mass setting was Missa Orbis Factor. The name comes from the opening of the extended Kyrie which opens with a 'trope':
Orbis factor rex aeterne, eleison
Maker of the world, King eternal, have mercy upon us.
I will write more on Orbis Factor later. Suffice it to say that we were not very good. The basic Kyrie is to be 'flowing', with counts of 222,333 for the start of the Kyrie and 333, 333 for the start of the Christe. We sang our way through the other prayers. It will be several more weeks before we try this Mass in public.
The Vespers went a bit better. We have until August to get this right. I will find a local venue for a practice in July.

The couplets from the Psalms are sung with a pause. Vespers sound something like this
Although these guys go up at the end of each line in the second part (Psalm 112) and the square notes don't appear to.

The final hymn began O Prima Virgo Prodita. This doesn't mean O Best Protestant Virgin.

O prima, Virgo, pródita
E Conditóris spíritu,
Prædestináta Altíssimi
Gestáre in alvo Fílium;

Tu perpes hostis fémina
Prænuntiáta dæmonis,
Oppléris una grátia
Intamináta orígine.

O Virgin thou, the spirit's fair’st,
Predestined by the will divine,
Within thy sacred womb thou bear’st
His only Son, and also thine.

O thou in whom rich grace abounds,
Foretold thou wast to be the foe
Who in her origin confounds
The wicked demon here below.

Hear an audio of part of the hymn here
Prædestináta Altíssimi
Gestáre in alvo Fílium;

Tu perpes hostis fémina
Prænuntiáta dæmonis,
Oppléris una grátia
Intamináta orígine.

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