Tuesday, 25 June 2013

To Seton

We practiced for the Mass in Seton Collegiate Church, unfortunatley George told me before the practice that he would be leaving the group. We will miss his dignified presence.

Malkie and I drove to East Lothian together. The lady from Historic Scotland was very enthusiastic about 'her' church and took us on a guided tour, showing us the Green Man and the Murdered Apprentice carved on the base of the corbels. Here's the Murdered Apprentice:

The acoustics were very forgiving as we sang the Mass of the Blessed Virgin 'In Sabbato' in the church which was originally dedicated to 'Our Lady and the Holy Cross'.
Several passers-by came in and some took places among the congregation. Others hung back and listened.

Here’s a first attempt at a YouTube video based on the audio recording of us singing the Introit hymn, Salve sancta Parens. The iPod recording is surprisingly good:

Salve, sancta parens, enixa puerpera Regem: qui caelum terramque regit in saecula saeculorum.
Sentiant omnes tuum adiuvamen, quicumque celebrant tuam commemorationem.

Hail, holy mother, who did bring forth the King who rules heaven and earth for ever and ever.
May all who keep thy commemoration feel now thy help and protection.

I was careless and my photographs didn't turn out well, maybe next time I'll remember to check settings before taking pictures on automatic. But we sound pretty good - as my wife said 'Is that you?'

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